Grenoble Epigenetics Club

Symposium 2023: program is available!

October 2-4 2023 - Grenoble, France

Symposium "Signaling through Chromatin"

from molecules to ecosystems

20 invited speakers. 20 selected short talks.

In October 2023, a 3 days symposium focused on “Signaling through Chromatin: from molecules to ecosystems” will cover innovative aspects of chromatin and epigenetics, from the atomic to cellular, organismal, and population scales.

The symposium will be comprised of eight sessions, exploring chromatin dynamics and its link to several DNA and RNA-based processes such as transcription, DNA replication, repair and recombination. Finally, dedicated sessions will feature the translational implications of epigenetic studies and the development of “epi-drugs”.

The symposium will present multiple approaches, such as quantitative proteomics, metabolomics, structural biology, single-cell epigenomics and population studies in different model organisms, from yeast to plants and mammals, including 3D culture models.

The registration deadline was July 31, 2023. However, you may still submit a late application, which the organizers will consider if there is still room available.

Registration fees are:

  • Academic students : 200€
  • Academic scientist (post doc, staff scientist) : 260€
  • Industry : 1,000€

Registration fees include: conference participation, coffee breaks, Wine & Cheese dinner on first day (Oct. 2nd), Lunch on second day (Oct. 3rd).

These costs do not include travel / accommodation costs lunch on the first and last day, or gala dinner on second day (please reserve the gala dinner using the appropriate field in the registration platform).


The following speakers have already confirmed their attendance:

The detailed program is presented below or can be downloaded (pdf version).

Date & venue

The symposium will start early afternoon of October 2nd and end at the end of the morning of October 4th 2023.


It will be located at  Minatec Events Congress Center, an exceptional venue.

Organizing committee

The symposium is co-organized by EMBL and EMBL French Partners in Grenoble, IBS, IAB, UGA, CEA and in Paris (France) IBENS, Collège de France, with the following organisers:

  • Ana Boskovic (EMBL Rome, lab)
  • Vincent Colot (IBENS, lab)
  • Julia Fuchs (CIRB, Collège de France, lab)
  • Jérôme Govin (IAB Grenoble, lab)
  • Jan Kadlec (IBS Grenoble, lab)
  • Marco Marcia (EMBL Grenoble, lab)
  • André Verdel (IAB Grenoble, lab)


Academic sponsors

Industrial sponsors