Grenoble Epigenetics Club

19th Epigenetics Meeting: Thursday, November 21th 2019 – 10am – EMBL (CIBB building)

Dear colleagues,
The next Chromatin club meeting will take place next Thursday  Novembre 21th  2019 at 10 am in the CIBB building, close to the EMBL. Please note that a site entry pass is required (see below).

Seminar Robert FEIL (IGMM Montpellier)
Epigenetic mechanisms in mammalian genomic imprinting

Short talks
Population Epigenetics: why and how do we use epigenetic data in epidemiology ?
Christophe GUILLUY (IAB)
Forcing the nucleus to respond: Nuclear enveloppe deformation regulates gene expression in response to mechanical force

IBS / EMBL site entry permission: please email  before November18th 2019 with following information: Name / Date, city and country of birth / Nationality / Name and address of your Institute.

The organisers,
Jérôme, André, Chloé, Marco and Jan