Dear colleagues,
The next Chromatin club meeting will take place next Thursday Novembre 21th 2019 at 10 am in the CIBB building, close to the EMBL. Please note that a site entry pass is required (see below).

Seminar – Robert FEIL (IGMM Montpellier)
Epigenetic mechanisms in mammalian genomic imprinting
Short talks
Population Epigenetics: why and how do we use epigenetic data in epidemiology ?
Christophe GUILLUY (IAB)
Forcing the nucleus to respond: Nuclear enveloppe deformation regulates gene expression in response to mechanical force
IBS / EMBL site entry permission: please email before November18th 2019 with following information: Name / Date, city and country of birth / Nationality / Name and address of your Institute.
The organisers,
Jérôme, André, Chloé, Marco and Jan