Grenoble Epigenetics Club

New Chromatin meeting : Thursday Oct 6th 9:30am, IBS2

Dear All,

The next Chromatin club meeting will be this  Thursday  October 6th, at 9:30 AM at the IBS at the Polygone Scietifique.

If you want to participate, you need to  ask for the site entry permit before Monday Oct 3rd (included). Please see below. 

The speakers are:
Seminar – Daniel PANNE (EMBL)
“Understanding the link between metabolism, gene expression and chromatin assembly”

 Short presentation – Clément PROUX  (Active Motif)
“Histone H3 PTM Multiplex Assay: A novel high throughput bead-based ELISA multiplex assay designed to enable simultaneous interrogation of multiple histone H3 PTMs within the same sample”

Short talk – Chloe ZUBIETA (IRTSV)
“Temperature sensing and response in Arabidopsis – the role of the Evening Complex”

Short talk – Isabel GARCIA-SAEZ (IBS)
“Structure of the complex of a 197 base-pair nucleosome with linker histone H1”

The coffee break and lunch will be provided by Active Motif.

Location : The meeting will take place in the seminar room of the Institut de Biologie Structurale IBS located at the EPN campus at the polygone scientifique.

Access map is available here:

Unless you work there, you will need a site entry permission. You only need to contact me here at least 48 hours before the meeting with following information:

Your name; date, city and country of birth; nationality; name and address of your institute.

If you got the site entry permit to the campus previously, just sending me your name will be enough.