We will be back with our next meeting in the EMBL auditorium. Please remember that an entry pass is required for the entrance on the PSB site (details below). To foster interactions between participants, this session will be on-site only (no hybrid mode).

Here is the program of our next meeting:
Keynote: Patrick Lomonte (Institut NeuroMyoGène, Lyon). How PML nuclear bodies silence viral genomes through chromatin modifications.
Short talk 1. Christopher Swale (IAB, Team Hakimi). Repurposing an anticancer drug to target Toxoplasma and Plasmodium spliceosome machinery.
Short talk 2. Kiran Padnamabhan (IGFL Lyon). Epigenetic regulation of the mammalian circadian clock.
To request your entry pass, please email Angelika Thomasson (athomasson@embl.fr) with your:
- First & Last Name
- Date
- emails if registering other people
- city and country of birth
- Nationality
- Name and address of your Institute.