Grenoble Epigenetics Club

Chromatin meeting: June 9th 2016, 10am, IAB

Dear colleagues,

Following on our 2nd successful “Signal Through Chromatin” international symposium, we are pleased to announce that our local meetings are back !

The next one will take place the 09th of June from 10am to noon at IAB. The format will be as usual with one seminar followed by two short talks.

This time coffee break and lunch will be provided by our sponsor GATC Biotech and ThermoFisher.

We will have the following talks:
Seminar by Gael Yvert (ENS, Lyon)
Natural quantitative epigenomic variation within a yeast species: amount, properties and origin

Short talk by Encar García-Oliver (BIG, Grenoble)
Bdf1 bromodomains are essential for meiosis and bookmark meiotic specific genes

Short talk by Hitoshi Shiota (IAB, Grenoble)
From cancer to sperm: chromatin reorganisation by Nut