Grenoble Epigenetics Club

Chromatin Meeting : June 3rd – 9:45AM – EMBL

The next meeting will take place this Wednesday June 3rd, at 9:45 AM at the EMBL/Institut Laue-Langevin at the Polygone Scietifique.

Diapositive1The speakers are:
9:45 Seminar by Oliver Weichenrieder (MPI for Developmental Biology Tuebingen)
Structural analysis of human non-LTR retrotransposons

11:00 Short talk by Afsaneh Goudazri (IAB)
Male genome programming guided by histone acetylation and other post-translational modifications

11:30 Short talk by Piotr Gerlach (EMBL)
Structural Insights into Bunyavirus Replication and Its Regulation by the vRNA Promoter

Location : The meeting will take place in the Chadwick Amphitheatre of Institut Laue-Langevin/EMBL located at the EPN campus at the polygone scientifique.
Access map is available here:
Unless you work there, you will need a site entry permission. You only need to email a few days ahead with following information:
Your name; date, city and country of birth; nationality; name and address of your institute.