Grenoble Epigenetics Club

Next Epigenetics Meeting : December 13th 2018 – 10am – EMBL

Dear colleagues,
The next Epigenetics club meeting will take place next Thursday  December 13th  at 10 am in the  seminar room of the EMBL. 

The speakers are:
Seminar Giovanni Capranico (Bologna Univ.)
Gene regulation, Telomere structure and function

Short talks :
Julien Thevenon (CHU – IAB),
A translational approach on rare chromatin disorders

Leonie Verhage (BIG) (EMBL),
Evolution of Nucleosomal Binding by LFY

Location : The meeting will take place in the seminar room of the EMBL located at the EPN campus at the polygone scientifique.
Unless you work there, you will need a site entry permission. Please email  before December 10th with following information:
Your name; date, city and country of birth; nationality; name and address of your institute.

PLEASE HELP US ADVERTISE THE EVENT !! (by diffusing the attached file)

The organisers,
Jérôme, André, Chloé, Marco and Jan